Legal information regarding Messe München GmbH.

Company details

Registered Business Address:

1st Floor, Kiepersol House, Stonemill Office Park, 300 Acacia Road, Darrenwood, Randburg, 2184.

Registered Postal Address:

P O Box 4367, Cresta, 2118

Phone Number:

+27 11 476 8093


+27 11 478 4323

E-mail Address:

Holding Company:

Messe Muenchen South Africa (Pty) Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Messe München GmbH

Names of persons authorized to represent company

Suzette Scheepers, Chief Executive Office

Board of Directors

Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer (Deputy CEO)

Stefan Rummel (Managing Director)

Collin Davis (Exhibition Group Director)

Registration Number


VAT number


Tax number

Tax ID: 143/161/90414


Copyright 2018 Messe Muenchen South Africa (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved. All texts, artwork, graphics, audio, video and animated files as well as their arrangements are subject to copyright and other laws on the protection of intellectual property. They may not be copied or altered for trade purposes or transmission or used on other websites. Some Messe München websites also contain artwork that is subject to the copyright of those who provided it.


If not indicated otherwise, all trademarks mentioned on Messe Muenchen South Africa (Pty) Ltd websites are legally protected trademarks of Messe München GmbH, including all Messe München main brands (Messe München – Munich Fairs International Group, ICM – Internationales Congress Center München, MOC Veranstaltungscenter München, Bauzentrum Poing – Building Centre at Poing), trade-fair names and all company logos and emblems.


  1. Messe Muenchen South Africa (Pty) LOtd provides information without assurances or guarantees of any kind, be it explicit or implied. All implied guarantees concerning the marketability, the suitability for certain purposes or the non-violation of laws and patents are also excluded. Even though we assume that the information we provide is correct, it may nevertheless contain errors or inaccuracies.
  2. Messe Muenchen South Africa (Pty) Ltd assumes no liability for incorrect descriptions or other false information on the websites of events that it does not organize.


Messe Muenchen South Africa (Pty) Ltd wants to offer you an Internet program that is innovative and informative. Therefore, we hope that you like our creative design as much as we do. Nevertheless, we hope you understand that Messe Muenchen South Africa (Pty) Ltd has to protect its intellectual property, including patents, trademarks and copyrights, and that these websites cannot give any licenses for Messe München GmbH's intellectual property.

External references and links

  1. Some websites of Messe Muenchen South Africa (Pty) Ltd contain links to other websites. We check these websites with reasonable care. However, Messe Muenchen South Africa (Pty) Ltd is not responsible for the content of the websites to which we link. Messe Muenchen South Africa (Pty) Ltd is also not responsible for the content of websites that link to or make reference to us.
  2. The following therefore applies to all links: “Messe Muenchen has no influence on the design and content of third-party Internet websites. Messe Muenchen South Africa (Pty) Ltd therefore expressly distances itself from all content on all third-party Internet web sites, even if the Messe Muenchen South Africa (Pty) Ltd website features links to these external sites.”
  3. This declaration applies to all links posted on our website and to all content at all websites reached via banners and links on our website. It also applies to all websites of Messe Muenchen South Africa (Pty) Ltd including all social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Xing, etc.